Saturday, April 18, 2009

Put Technology To Work!

I feel that my group could not have completed this project without the help of technology. We used technology throughout the entire project. We originally started using our "Group Page" in BlackBoard to post our meeting Agenda. Since I was the person responsible for doing the secretarial work, I was responsible for posting these type items to BlackBoard. Once I posted the Agenda (or Minutes) to BlackBoard, I would send out an e-mail through the BlackBoard website to the rest of my group. This email would alert the rest of my group to let them know that I posted a new article on BlackBoard. My group members could then login to their BlackBoard site and see the article I posted. I did this same process for the Minutes that I posted for my group.

I feel that e-mail played a very important role in our group, even outside of alerting group members of new articles posted on BlackBoard. If a group member missed a group meeting, they would often e-mail some of the other members of the group to see what they needed to get done and what they missed in class. We would also use e-mail to send different drafts of items before we completed them and posted them to BlackBoard for the entire group to see.

My group did not hold any virtual meetings, but a lot of our work was done through online by e-mailing one another with item drafts and communicating. If it was not for BlackBoard and e-mail on this project, our group would have had to complete all our work in the classroom. This would be very difficult since my group did a large majority of our work outside of the classroom. It is very rare that we completed items inside the classroom. Most of the items we completed were delegated out in class and then completed by an individual on his/her own time.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Let's Talk Ethics...

Discussing ethics is a very touchy topic in today's society, especially after the fall of corporate America giants such as WorldCom and Enron. When there are ethical lapses in business or government, the people participating in the ethical lapse are not the only ones affected by it. The effects of ethical lapses are felt by common citizens, such as those who held stock, purchased their products, were employed with the company, etc. After all the publicity surrounding recent ethical lapse events and what we discussed in class, I have taken on a whole new perspective of corporate America.

After actually seeing several excerpts from memos that were a part of ethical lapses, I have come to a conclusion that you (being in the management position) have to be careful about how you interpret memos. If you were to overlook the sudden termonology used in some of these memos, agreeing with what the memo seems to say on the surface, you could be help responsible in a ethical lapse case because to a jury, it could appear as if you knew about the crime. So, when you receive a memo from someone, take a few extra minutes and make sure you fully understand what they are saying. Furthermore, make sure you read into any phrases or sentences that might not make sense to you initially.

As I graduate and head into the work force or graduate school, I will need to have my ethical principles established. I believe a good way to set your standards is to ask, "If I were to do this, would I be ok with someone else doing this exact same thing?" If the answer is yes, then you are most likely ok to do whatever you were going to do. If you answer no, the subject would require closer examination. If what you choose to do will have a negative impact on anyone, you should probably think long and hard before you act on this. Also to mention is that what you are doing may seem like it won't harm anyone, but as the scheme escalates, it could cause greater harm. It is important also to not get caught up in schemes if one were to develop; you need to learn how to cut your ties with the scheme and move on, releiving or at least limiting yourself to any obligations for the outcome. These are just things I would keep in mind when deciding whether an issue was ethical or not. Specific ethical issues I would never get caught up in is stealing (in any form, including accounting fraud), lying to further my company or I, killing someone because of known information that was not suppose to be disclosed, and I am sure there are many, many, more that I would be able to handle if the time were to arrise. I think the two biggest ethical issues in companies are fraud and lying to further one's company or themself.